📂 Go: Importig a CSV to PostgreSQL

contents of a CSV file with each column in a different color

If you are using Go ad PostgreSQL, and need to performa a bulk import a CSV, it’s most likely you will find the COPY protocol is the feature that suits you better. In that direction, you will find examples using pgx CopyFrom that relies on the native protocol, and it’s fairly easy to use. However, depending how it’s used you can have an exponencial increase of memory consumption of your application making it unreliable and more expensive to run.

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🔢 Go: Where is the decimal type?

Gopher side-eye

Go doesn’t have a primitive decimal type for arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers. Yes, you read it right. Therefore, if you need to deal with fixed-point precision there are two main options:

  • Use an external package like decimal, which introduces the decimal type. However, the current version (1.3.1), can “only” represent numbers with a maximum of 2^31 digits after the decimal point.
  • Use int64 to store and deal with these numbers. For e.g. given you need 6 precision digits, therefore 79.23, 23.00, and 54.123456, become respectively 79230000, 23000000, and 54123456.

There is an open proposal to add decimal float types (IEEE 754-2008) in the std lib. However, for now, it’s just a proposal being discussed, without guarantee it will be ever added.