🧹 Tidy First? By Kent Beck - My review and takeaways

Front cover of the book Tidy First?

“Messy code is a nuisance. “Tidying” code, to make it more readable, requires breaking it up into manageable sections. In this practical guide, author Kent Beck, creator of Extreme Programming and pioneer of software patterns, suggests when and where you might apply tidyings to improve your code while keeping the overall structure of the system in mind. (…)” O’Reilly - Tidy First

The book is clear, objective, and easy to read. Its simple explanations and examples on empirical software design carry sophisticated concepts on evaluating when, how, what, and if to tidy at all.

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🐉 got: Embracing my lazyness with my custom git CLI

The eyes of Drogon

got is a CLI written in Go, created on top of the git CLI, to make my life easier by shortening some commands I use daily.

Because it’s built on top of git, all git commands will also work just fine and I don’t need to keep switching between got and git!

If I want to clean up my local dead branches I can got rmb instead of git branch | grep -v "main" | xargs git branch -D (you can call me lazy. I accept that 😅).

xckd 1319

xkcd Automation.

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👋 Welcome

Gopher side-eye

Welcome, here I’ll be sharing my discoveries, studies, and experiences in the software industry. As a software engineer, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and technologies, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.

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