🔥 Improve your Frontend skills with Frontend Mentor

When studying HTML, CSS, and Javascript it’s hard to practice with real-world examples, so oftentimes we get stuck trying to come up with a good design and then building it.

Frontend Mentor to the recue!

Frontend Mentor offers front-end coding challenges and interesting projects to practice your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is as close as it gets to work on a professional real-world project.

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📺 YouTube: Suggestions #1

A hand holding a smartphone while youtube app is open

We live in an unprecedented era in which we can learn pretty much anything we want for free (or paying very little depending on how much patience you have with ads).

YouTube is undoubtedly one of the best sources of free content. The only challenge is really to find good channels where you learn stuff and have a good time while doing it.

This is the first issue of a series of posts in which I’m going to recommend three channels with excellent videos.

TechWorld with Nana

YouTube Channel Twitter

This is my favorite channel for DevOps-related topics. Nana’s didactics and real-world examples help a lot to get to know new topics or deep dive into a specific subject. This 4-hour long k8s full course is just one of many others. Check it out.

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🧠 Go resources for beginners

Gopher side-eye

Below a living list of compiled links for whoever is learning Go.

Official docs

  • Effective Go - https://go.dev/doc/effective_go
    • A document that gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code. A must-read for any new Go programmer. It augments the tour and the language specification, both of which should be read first.
  • Go Code Review Comments https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComment

    • This page collects common comments made during reviews of Go code, so that a single detailed explanation can be referred to by shorthands. This is a laundry list of common mistakes, not a comprehensive style guide. You can view this as a supplement to Effective Go.

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